Media Publishing

PDF to Flash catalog – The fastest way to increase conversion for free

PDF to Flash Catalog

Large PDF files can reduce the number of your online viewers, especially due to the fact that most browsers that use mobile gadgets encounter challenges when they want to download the files and put them on view. However, when you use Yumpu Publishing, you can comfortably and easily change the pdf to flash catalog and optimize them for the purpose of using across mobile and PC platforms. Moreover, your pdf to flash catalog files that have been converted will experience extensive coverage on the major digital publishing channel that the web can provide.

Create your own free pdf flash catalog

When using this service, you can easily convert your personal pdf to flash catalog in a relatively shorter time than other services and have the ability to share it on a range of social media networks such as Facebook, Google+, and Twitter, or basically embed it on your own website or webshop.

You start converting your pdf to a flash catalog by simply going to There, you will notice the website’s uploader located at the topmost part of the site’s homepage. As soon as you have browsed your computer in search of the pdf file and making a forward prompt on the uploader, you will be required to sign in to your account and in case you are new to the site, you will need to register an account with the website, which is actually free of charge. Immediately the upload is completed successfully, you are supposed to designate your file to make it easy for you to take it through the editing and optimizing the process.

From pdf to flash catalog example

To view an example of the pdf to flash catalog created using Yumpu, you need to click on the “implanted” option that is placed beneath your uploaded file and ensure that the bubble indicated with a “flash” is chosen, next to the pdf flash catalog option that appears in the popup menu. Since the upload is converted from pdf to flash catalog, you can copy its implanted code and paste it into the HTML of your website.

Editing and improving your pdf flash catalog

The stage where you upload your pdf and changing the pdf to a flash catalog marks only a certain portion of the whole process. The next step entails improving the pdf flash using the editing tools. Yumpu Publishing allows you to link keywords, define the language you have used, and embed other media links into your pdf flash.

The course of adding keywords to your pdf flash is very essential since it helps web users to easily view your content. Keywords have a major role in Search Engine Optimization since they make it simple for web users to discover content that has some relation to the terms they have used while searching. Likewise, grouping your content and giving definitions to the language you have used enables other browsers of Yumpu to discover the uploads you have made. Yumpu users can sieve content based on language and class, which makes it easy to display your content to the audiences that would possibly like it.

Besides tagging and classifying your pdf flash, Yumpu provides an opportunity for you to insert an explanation to your content. You may think of your pdf flash description as your prospect to back its contents and give confidence to your online audiences to continue reading the pdf flash.

Yumpu’s “Hotspots” aspect provides you with the capability to embed various links such as video, audio and web into your pdf flash catalog. The video, audio, or web link that you embed on the pdf flash is mostly sourced from common streaming media services such as YouTube. When embedding the links, you can decide on the precise position where you wish the content to show on your pdf flash and establish whether the media will play automatically or not.

In addition to Yumpu Publishing’s editing abilities, there are also various management controls. For instance, you can alter the title of your pdf flash, preview it, save the alterations made and save them or delete them. Your pdf flash will remain online for whatever period you wish it to stay and you can erase your pdf flash anytime you desire simply by selecting the “Delete Pdf flash catalog” option situated below the pdf flash.

According to my experience with Yumpu Publishing, I can comfortably say that the site is worth using whenever you wish to convert your pdf to a flash catalog. This website also remains free of charge for anyone interested in using its services.

Read more interesting stuff: Add PDF to Facebook

Matthew Smith
Hi, I'm Matthew Smith, a freelance web designer and front-end developer based in Chicago. I've been designing and developing websites, mobile apps and other digital creations for over a decade - you can find out all about me here. I am also greatly interested in ePublishing and online Marketing. That's why I want to share my thoughts with you on this blog.
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